Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Usuals And A New.....

Dive with The Hantu Bloggers at Pulau Hantu again this morning. Today's dive durations were short due to some unforeseen circumstances. Nonetheless, still managed to see the followings.

Here's the usual encounters;

Flatworms!!! There were quite a few of the black with a electric blue edge one.

Feather Star/Crinoid that come in variety of colours! Yellow, Red and Green!

Tigertail Seahorse that I get to see at Pulau Hantu frequently. Love the eyes!

Heehee.....and of course the usuals will consist of my favourite nudibranch. :o)

Two Phyllid nudibranch (Phyllidia sp)

The Blue Dragon nudibranch (Pteraeolidia ianthina)

A Gymnodoris nudibranch (Gymnodoris sp)

Another Gymnodoris nudibranch (Gymnodoris rubropapulosa) that has a smiley face on the gills! So Cuteee!

Then there's the Flabellina nudibranch (Flabellina rubrolineata)

That's all for the usuals.

And here's the new; a new sighting of another nudibranch for me again!:O)

Looks like Glossodoris rufomarginata.

Not bad at all for today I would say. Looking forward to next month Hantu Bloggers' 4th Anniversary Dive!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

When The Tide Recedes.....

treasures unfold. These are the stuff that were seen during the past two days visit to our Southern shores(Big Sisters Island & Pulau Hantu)!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Sunday, February 03, 2008

仄爪哇的“大掃除“(The "Spring Cleaning" @ Chek Jawa).....

當家家戶戶正在為即將來臨的農曆新年忙著大掃除時,一群Naked Hermit Crabs和仄爪哇的志工們也決定為仄爪哇來個“大掃除“。但是不是整個仄爪哇啦,而是訪客中心旁邊的一片沙灘。
(When everybody was spring cleaning their home for the coming Lunar New Year, a few volunteers from the Naked Hermit Crabs and Chek Jawa Guides decided to help spring clean a part of Chek Jawa near the Visitor's Center.)

(But just when we were about to start work, the sky started to pour and so we decided to seek shelter and wait out the rain at the Visitor's Center.)

就在那裡,我們看到對岸的青蛙島(Pulau Sekudu)上有一些泛獨木舟者。他們手裡提著桶,好像在採集東西似地。而不遠的海面上也有幾艘舢舨停泊著,正在進行垂釣和捕撈。
(And that's where we saw some canoeists on Pulau Sekudu and they seen to be collecting stuffs as each were carrying a bucket. Nearby, there were boats and the people onboard were fishing.)

(Actually, with effect from October'07, the waters at Chek Jawa Wetland including Pulau Sekudu had been listed as a restricted zone.)

(Thus, you have to apply a permit from the National Parks Board if you want to land on Pulau Sekudu or to carry any activities in this zone. The security guards at Chek Jawa will also be doing their patrols to lookout for any unauthorised boat or people. If there's such case, they will inform the Police Coast Guard to check out the unauthorised access. This will help ensure that Chek Jawa's ecosystems will not be affected by poaching or illegal fishing.)

(Soon the downpour became drizzle and we decided to proceed with the clean-up of some old abandoned fishing nets.)

(Can you see the net in the photo? It's really huge! It will remain as a threat to the marine creatures if it's not removed.)

(Well, even though we had ten of us today, we were still unable to clear the net. It's just to big! Think we only got rid about 10% of it.)

(So we will be back until we rid it. And hopefully, we will have more volunteers to help out so that it will be gone sooner.) :o)

Friday, February 01, 2008







