Lunar New Year Visits.....
While most people were visiting their friends and relatives during the festive season, I was out at our shores visiting our marine creatures.
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, we went to Pulau Sekudu. It is a small island located near the southeastern part of Pulau Ubin. Managed to see quite a few things including the two types of nudibranch below. The one with blue spots is a dendrodoris denisoni but had no idea the identity for the red one. Perhaps this is the Ang Bao given by Mother Nature to us for the Lunar New Year. :O)

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, we went to Pulau Sekudu. It is a small island located near the southeastern part of Pulau Ubin. Managed to see quite a few things including the two types of nudibranch below. The one with blue spots is a dendrodoris denisoni but had no idea the identity for the red one. Perhaps this is the Ang Bao given by Mother Nature to us for the Lunar New Year. :O)

On the second day, we were at Pulau Hantu. It has been a while since I last visited the intertidal there. Saw a Pipefish, flatworms, nudibranchs (discodoris boholensis) and found a frogfish under a rock. And it was the first time I seen a frogfish stalking its prey and engulf the fish in action! COOL!!!( For more details, see Wildfilms Blog )
We went to St John's Island on the third day. Since I was the only filmcrew, I was doing the shooting. Mainly taking landscape shots. There were lots of nudibranch (jorunna funebris were everywhere and a tiny one that look like a gymnodoris) and flatworms! But the find of the day for me was two sea slugs that look like part of a brown seaweed (sargassum). A check on the Seaslug Forum, the nearer images i can find are these, a crosslandia daedali or a brown colour version of a crosslandia viridis .
And guess what? We even have fire works for our ending of our Lunar New Year visits. While waiting at the jetty for our boat, we managed to catch the fire works display for the River Hongbao.

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