Sunday, March 27, 2005

Over The Weekend....

Was on St's John island on Good Friday and at Chek Jawa on Saturday.

On Good Friday, was at St's John island visiting the rocky shore. The tide was not that low plus water was constantly moving which make it difficult to look for stuffs underneath.

Reefs At St's John Island

Saw nothing much except maybe the highlight of the day, hairy sea hares(with bright blue spots). It was my first time seeing them. Usually....the ones I saw are smooth. Also first sighting for me is a ribbon worm which is about 40cm long and has black strips on its white body.

On Saturday, was visiting Chek Jawa with Shuxian and her mum. Think it was a second visit for Shuxian (We have made a trip there before the deferrment). Saw the usual common sea stars and carpet anemones. We were lucky to have the weather staying clear until we have finished the last stop of the walk. I hope that they have enjoyed the trip.

Well....another working week starts tomorrow. Will be looking forward to go back to CJ this coming weekend.

Let The Journey Begin.......

Well....finally got myself to write the first post.

Let me give some introductions.....

This blog was created in March 05 and named Colourful clouds. Why?'s because I think that clouds are not just white and grey. Just take a look and you will realise that they have an orange tint after a shower. They can come with a silver lining and sometimes even rainbow colour when the sun hide itself behind them.

The blog will be a journal recording things/events happening around. It will be an observation on the ever-changing world around us. Just like the ever-changing colours and shapes of the clouds. So take a look at them next time.

Mmm...okay enough said. :)