Great Day @ Cyrene Reef.....

Was back at Cyrene Reef yesterday. It was a great day out on this beautiful submerged reef that is only exposed during low tide. With great blue sky and stuffs to see!
I was happy to be back at Cyrene but heehee.....this Thunder Crab doesn't seen to be happy to see me when I pointed the camera at it :op

On Cyrene, ones will get to see great number of Knobbly Seastars. These Seastars are currently monitor by The Star Trackers. Here are some that come in various number of arms!

There were also couple of them with arms that are being regenerated.

Besides the Knobbly, the other common Seastars are the Common Seastars.

Another "Star" that was sighted is this Cushion Star.

Jeff and Collin were tagging the Alligator Pipefishes that they have netted.

Some of them are Papa with eggs stuck to their belly!

The Cowfish is also commonly sighted at Cyrene. I get to shoot this guy quite close cos it was not camera-shy!

Was on a lookout for Anemones and these are some that I have came across;

Andy found a Grey Bonnet Snail on the sandy area. Beautiful snail! However, it is listed as Endangered in the Red List of threatened animals of Singapore due to threats like habitat loss and over-collection.

Whereas, I came across this snail that I have no idea of its idenity.

Upon a closer examination, the snail seen to have Leopard-spotted foot. Alas, I forgot to wait for the snail to come out of its shell! :op

Only came across the common nudibranch like

the Black-margined Nudibranch (Glossodoris atromarginata)[Top] and the ever-so-CUTE Polka-dot Nudibranch (Jorunna funebris).
And the highlight find for me would be this Sea Slug.

At first I thought it looks like a Bubble Shell. But after checking, it turns out to be a Sarcoglossan/Sap Sucking Slug whose relatives include Ornate Leaf Slug (Elysia ornata).
It could be a Volvatella slug (Volvatella vigourouxi). According to The Sea Slug Forum, this slug can be found near their food, the Caulerpa seaweeds. And indeed, it and another two were found on a bed of Broad Feathery Green Seaweed (Caulerpa sertularioides?).

And when I picked and put it in a pool of water, it started to secrete a flow of whitish substance from the narrow tip of its shell. Opps!

It's always nice to have new sighting of Sea slug for me! :o)
On another notes, have noticed that some plants and animals seen to be suffering from the effects of recent hot weathers.

Some corals are bleaching
and some Seagrass look to be having sunburnt.

Also noticed that a few patch of Tape Seagrass with blackish stuffs at their base.

I was happy to be back at Cyrene but heehee.....this Thunder Crab doesn't seen to be happy to see me when I pointed the camera at it :op

On Cyrene, ones will get to see great number of Knobbly Seastars. These Seastars are currently monitor by The Star Trackers. Here are some that come in various number of arms!

There were also couple of them with arms that are being regenerated.

Besides the Knobbly, the other common Seastars are the Common Seastars.

Another "Star" that was sighted is this Cushion Star.

Jeff and Collin were tagging the Alligator Pipefishes that they have netted.

Some of them are Papa with eggs stuck to their belly!

The Cowfish is also commonly sighted at Cyrene. I get to shoot this guy quite close cos it was not camera-shy!

Was on a lookout for Anemones and these are some that I have came across;

Andy found a Grey Bonnet Snail on the sandy area. Beautiful snail! However, it is listed as Endangered in the Red List of threatened animals of Singapore due to threats like habitat loss and over-collection.

Whereas, I came across this snail that I have no idea of its idenity.

Upon a closer examination, the snail seen to have Leopard-spotted foot. Alas, I forgot to wait for the snail to come out of its shell! :op

Only came across the common nudibranch like

the Black-margined Nudibranch (Glossodoris atromarginata)[Top] and the ever-so-CUTE Polka-dot Nudibranch (Jorunna funebris).
And the highlight find for me would be this Sea Slug.

At first I thought it looks like a Bubble Shell. But after checking, it turns out to be a Sarcoglossan/Sap Sucking Slug whose relatives include Ornate Leaf Slug (Elysia ornata).
It could be a Volvatella slug (Volvatella vigourouxi). According to The Sea Slug Forum, this slug can be found near their food, the Caulerpa seaweeds. And indeed, it and another two were found on a bed of Broad Feathery Green Seaweed (Caulerpa sertularioides?).

And when I picked and put it in a pool of water, it started to secrete a flow of whitish substance from the narrow tip of its shell. Opps!

It's always nice to have new sighting of Sea slug for me! :o)
On another notes, have noticed that some plants and animals seen to be suffering from the effects of recent hot weathers.

Some corals are bleaching
and some Seagrass look to be having sunburnt.

Also noticed that a few patch of Tape Seagrass with blackish stuffs at their base.

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