Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Brief Summary.......

Yes….I know it has been weeks since my last post. Have been busy with works and other stuffs.

So here will be a summary of what have been going on during those weeks.

First things first, have been busy looking and gathering information about PADI Open Water Diving Course. Yup! I have decided to take up diving. So after a week of reviewing and discussing with my friend, we decided to go ahead to take the course in local water and signed up with 51 Scuba (They are the only one still offer local water dive during the Malaysia dive season)

Now you must be wondering why local water, right? One reason is that my friend had a tight budget and another is that the Vis at Pulau Hantu has improved according to some people who have been diving there for the past few weeks. Also, if you can survive local water, you can survive anywhere. My open water will be on 4th and 5th June. So now all I can do is to hope that the weather will be good for the 2 days (Fingers crossed!!!)

Besides that, most of my times have been spent on Pulau Ubin. Have been taking pictures of flora and fauna (Will post them on later after I have processed them). Also, I have my first weekend guiding at Chek Jawa since March. My group was made up of two families, thus, always a challenge to keep them together. In addition, before the walk even started for my group, I have a little boy who was sick and he vomitted all the way to CJ on the van. Somehow he decided to continue even I have asked his mum to let him stay at the hut. Half way through the walk, he got worse and so had to be taken back to the hut to rest by one of the rangers. Nonetheless, it was a wonderful group as they were always interested to the stuffs that I showed. Highlight of the day was a hairy seahare like the one I saw at St John. It was a training day for guides the next day and the weather was HOT! HOT! HOT! I got sunburn on my face and arms.

In between, I have also gone to Pulau Sekudu (Frog Island). This is a small island found off Southeastern part of Pulau Ubin. I was there with the film crews for our morning shooting. There was much more seaweeds compared to the last time I have visited. Therefore, it was quite difficult to find stuffs among the seaweeds. An unfortunate event that happened was one of our crews got stung by a stingray. But she is okay now after days of swollen foot.

Well…I will be going for my next serie of morning trips to Singapore shores. So I guess it will be sometime that I will post again on the blog. And also have to start reading the diving manual for my upcoming diving course. Ooohhh…can’t wait for it to start. :O)


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