First Reef Survey For 2010.....
Last Sunday, BWV ReefFriends conducted the 1st reef survey for this year at Pulau Hantu. Vis was about 2m. As we were short-handed, only the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) was carried out.
I was doing the record for the deep transect and came across a few Sea slugs along the transect lines.

A little Sap-sucking Sea Slug (Thuridilla gracilis).

Found this big fat juicy looking Slender Ceratosoma nudibranch (Ceratosoma gracillimum) hiding under the coral.

The Emma nudibranch (Hypselodoris emma) looks to be in season. I came across about 5 of them.

And my 2nd time sighting of this Spotted Hypselodoris nudibranch (Hypselodoris maculosa) at Pulau Hantu.
I was doing the record for the deep transect and came across a few Sea slugs along the transect lines.

A little Sap-sucking Sea Slug (Thuridilla gracilis).

Found this big fat juicy looking Slender Ceratosoma nudibranch (Ceratosoma gracillimum) hiding under the coral.

The Emma nudibranch (Hypselodoris emma) looks to be in season. I came across about 5 of them.

And my 2nd time sighting of this Spotted Hypselodoris nudibranch (Hypselodoris maculosa) at Pulau Hantu.
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